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Songs of the Sea


If you have never heard a whale sing before, you’re missing out! Humpback whales are renowned for their haunting, intricate songs. On a Makai Adventure Maui whale watching tour, you are bound to hear one first hand!

There are so many interesting things about these gentle giants, but also even more that remains a mystery. Scientists have concluded that only male Humpback Whales engage in song, leaving them to hypothesize that this behavior is linked to mating.

Male Humpbacks can sing their song for very long stretches of time — sometimes hours!

Songs are also particular to each whale population, changing only depending on where the whale is. The songs of different populations have been studied and are believed to change — but only slightly — from year to year. The songs are also very loud and can be heard from up to 20 miles away. Joining Makai Adventures for a Maui whale watching tour will put you in a good position to see these beauties up close, but you can bet you will for sure be able to hear them!

Come hear for yourself and be amazed by the winter visitors to the Hawaiian waters…Makai Adventures will bring you out on the water for a boat trip of a lifetime!

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